AMO Programme has adopted certain public and private schools serving as exemplars of excellence in their communities and providing holistic child development opportunities through active learning experiences. AMO Model Schools provide exchange opportunities for volunteers and interns around the world.
Since 2011, AMO Model Schools have been in operation with one to two schools in every region. We offer comprehensive and high quality service along with our understanding of the latest discoveries in child education and psychology.
In the last years key changes in Ghana’s educational environment impacted performance of our Model Schools, and this deepened our need to reform the AMO Model School Programme. AMO Programme is therefore making changes to reinforce the Model Schools Programme and make the schools meet the standards required of AMO Model Schools.
AMO Programme intends to create a paradigm shift from teacher-centred education to child-centred education. By using this educational methodology in Ghana, we challenge children to develop their understanding and skills while playing. They learn to think creatively and it stimulates their brain to solve problems in different ways. In this way, children are shaped into independent individuals, who are able to make a valuable contribution to the development of the country of Ghana.
Our purpose is to provide learning resources, continuous training and mentorship for school children in under-resourced communities and to motivate their schools to commit to the principles of child-centred education even as they work to propagate the principle of child-centred education in their local context.
Step 1: Explanation on AMO Model Schools Programme
Our purpose is to provide learning resources, continuous training and mentorship for school children in under-resourced communities and to motivate their schools to commit to the principles of child-centred education even as they work to propagate the principle of child-centred education in their local context.
Step 2: Visit of Consultant of AMO Programme to school
Our purpose is to provide learning resources, continuous training and mentorship for school children in under-resourced communities and to motivate their schools to commit to the principles of child-centred education even as they work to propagate the principle of child-centred education in their local context.
Step 3: Arrange for stakeholder meetings to discuss all formalities and success factors
On forehand, relevant Management and PTA members of interested schools will be introduced to AMO Model School, formalities and regulations.
Step 4: Registration forms
Registration forms are available upon request. New applicants will pay a one-time entry fee of GHS100.00. Be aware, there are a lot of benefits in return.
Step 5: After ordering: Introductory workshop
When a school has completed all formalities, AMO Programme will hold an introductory workshop at a discount of 10% for their teachers. A basic set of Active Learning Materials required for this training will be available for the school at 20% discount.
Monitoring provides insights in the situation of the specific school and details on the needs at that situation. These Visits are not Inspections rather a Support for the school. While monitoring does not fix problems, it provides an understanding of progress so that together appropriate corrective actions can be taken when performance deviates. See section 2.6 for details on Monitoring.
Based on the School Performance Assessment whenever it becomes clear that a school’s performance is not according to the Regulations of AMO Model School steps are to be taken.
- AMO Programme are to discuss these outcomes with the school and request steps for improvement
- When then still there is no improvement AMO Programme will dismiss the school from the Model Schools Platform
- Only on serious request again from the school AMO Programme will give attention again, after showed commitment by the school.
AMO Programme will award an AMO Model School by a plaque and some ALMs when the school in total is acting excellently!